Showing up on Google might be easier than you think.Follow these 3 steps to start taking intentional action to reach people who are already searching for what you have! 1) Choose a low-competition, long tail keyword. Woah... jargon alert. I'll break it down: Low-competition: Do some googling to find a search term that doesn't return many relevant results. Ideally, this is a real need in your community that you are trying to fill. Long tail: The more specific you can get, the better. This usually involves using more words to drill down to a specific result. This graphic from Semrush illustrates it well: Trying to rank for a Google search of "school" is really, really hard. There's far too much competition. Additionally, it's not clear what the user is really looking for - preschool? high school? Trying to rank for "Private elementary school" is easier. Trying to rank for "Private elementary school with aftercare" is easiest. < that's a long tail keyword 👉 Take your time and do your research. Remember that the keyword you choose should be low-competition, long tail, and something you are uniquely suited to provide. Once you've chosen your keyword... 2) Place this keyword in your page title. Your page title is what shows up in the tab for your page. Make sure your homepage isn't just titled, "Home," but something more specific that includes your keyword. An example for a church might be:
An example for a school might be:
3) Place this keyword in your meta description. Your meta description is what shows up as the little paragraph beneath your link on a Google search: Wondering how to change your titles and descriptions? 🕵️ Every web builder is different. In Showit or Squarespace (the builders I use for all my clients), it's found in page settings > SEO. It will look something like this: If you need help finding these settings, shoot me an email! I'll be happy to do some investigating with you. Give this a try and email me with your results in 3 weeks. You might be surprised! Until next week, |
I offer digital marketing education written with ministry in mind. Subscribe to my free, weekly newsletter to learn something new every Friday.
A while back... ...I posted in the WELS Intersections Facebook group offering to critique/improve a logo. I had a lot of interest, so THANK YOU if you submitted yours. If this newsletter gets a positive response, I hope to do more in the coming months. Our subject today is the logo for St. Mark Ministries in De Pere & Green Bay, Wisconsin. If anyone from St. Mark is reading this, you won't hurt my feelings if you dislike what I come up with. 😉 I thank you for allowing me to do this! Here's...
The Church Marketing Playbook: Throwing Wide Open Your Digital Front Doors It was an absolute pleasure to present at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary this week. Here's the description shared with attendees: The Church Marketing Playbook: Throwing Wide Open Your Digital Front Doors Within the next 4 to 40 months, you can confidently say you'll be carving out Saturday mornings for church workdays, receiving emails titled, "Re: New lawnmower" from your grounds elder, and vacuuming cheerios off the...
I'm working on materials for my presentation at Mission & Ministry next week... While I'm at it, I thought I'd share this resource with you. Have you ever sat down to formulate a plan for promoting an upcoming event and thought... "Where should I begin?" Then... you get overwhelmed by all of your options, procrastinate, and end up throwing $30 at Facebook 6 days out from the event? This timeline & checklist was written to infuse a little more intention and strategy into that process. You'll...